King David gave counsel that all should guard the senses, lest evil gain victory over them; for these are the avenues to the soul.  Avoid reading and seeing things that will suggest impure thoughts. Cultivate the moral and intellectual powers. 

Among the most dangerous resorts of pleasure is the unclean theater. Instead of being a school of morality and virtue, as is so often claimed, it is the very hotbed of immorality. Vicious habits and sinful propensities are strengthened and confirmed by these entertainments. Low songs, lewd gestures, expressions, and attitudes deprave the imagination and debase the morals. Every youth who habitually attends such exhibitions will be corrupted in principle. There is no influence in our land more powerful to poison the imagination, to destroy religious impressions, and to blunt the relish for the tranquil pleasures and sober realities of life than theatrical amusements.  

The love for these scenes increases with every indulgence, as the desire for intoxicating drink strengthens with its use. The only safe course is to shun the unclean theater, the unclean circus, and every other questionable place of amusement. 

There are modes of recreation which are highly beneficial to both mind and body. An enlightened, discriminating mind will find abundant means for entertainment and diversion, from sources not only innocent but instructive… The great G-d whose glory shines from the heavens, and whose divine hand upholds millions of worlds, is our Father. We have only to love Him, trust in Him, as little children in faith and confidence, and He will accept us as His sons and daughters, and we shall be heirs to all the inexpressible glory of the eternal world.

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By Rabbi Ben-Hayil Yellen

Rabbi Ben-Hayil Yellen, a passionate Sephardic Rabbi, has been a pillar of strength and wisdom for the Essene community for over twenty years since his ordination in 1999. Renowned for his profound teachings and warm, inviting demeanor, Rabbi Yellen has been instrumental in guiding countless individuals on their spiritual journeys toward growth and enlightenment. His unwavering dedication and transformative impact on the community have made him a cherished spiritual leader and mentor.