A Redeemer Is Promised

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel. Genesis 3:15

Adam and Chava (Eve) should have been perfectly satisfied with the knowledge of God in His created works, and by the instruction of the holy angels… The high state of knowledge to which they thought to attain by eating of the forbidden fruit plunged them into the degradation of sin and guilt. 

The angels who had been appointed to guard Adam and Chava in their Eden home before their transgression and expulsion from paradise were now appointed to guard the gates of paradise and the way of the tree of life, lest they should return and gain access to the tree of life and transgression be immortalized.

Transgression drove Adam and Chava from paradise. And transgression was the cause of paradise being removed from the earth. In consequence of transgression of God’s instructions (Torah), they lost paradise. In obedience to the Father’s instructions (Torah) and through faith in the reconciliation made through the bread offering (oblation) and the drink offering of His High Priest, paradise may be regained… 

The evil one made his exulting boasts to God and to loyal angels that he had succeeded in gaining a portion of the angels in heaven to unite with him in his daring rebellion. And now that he had succeeded in overcoming Adam and Chava, he claimed that their Eden home was his. He proudly boasted that the world which God had made was his dominion. Having conquered Adam, the monarch of the world, he had gained the race as his subjects, and he should now possess Eden and make that his headquarters. And he would there establish his throne and be monarch of the world. 

But measures were immediately taken in heaven to defeat the evil one in his plans. Strong angels, with beams of light representing flaming swords turning in every direction, were placed as sentinels to guard the way of the tree of life from the approach of the evil one and the guilty pair…

A council was held in heaven, which resulted in God’s undertaking to redeem the human race from the curse and from the disgrace of Adam’s failure, and to conquer the evil one. Oh, wonderful condescension! The Majesty of heaven, through love and pity for fallen humanity, proposed to become their redemption and surety.

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By Rabbi Ben-Hayil Yellen

Rabbi Ben-Hayil Yellen, a passionate Sephardic Rabbi, has been a pillar of strength and wisdom for the Essene community for over twenty years since his ordination in 1999. Renowned for his profound teachings and warm, inviting demeanor, Rabbi Yellen has been instrumental in guiding countless individuals on their spiritual journeys toward growth and enlightenment. His unwavering dedication and transformative impact on the community have made him a cherished spiritual leader and mentor.